Dec 19, 2009
The Christmas rush!
Well, it starts tomorrow. December 20 starts my few days of we'll call it "peace" for lack of a better word as I celebrate the season by going completely ape zipping around southern Ontario trying to catch up with as many people as I can - and likely missing more people than seeing.

In all seriousness though, this is just a little blog entry on a little website floating in the middle of the vastness of the Interwebs, but I wish all of you out there that are kind enough to check in on me or follow my little acting adventures that, where ever you happen to be, you find very merriest of Christmases and a peaceful, rewarding holiday season spent with those close to you.

Best to you and yours everyone.

Dec 13, 2009
Very Merry!
Hello all. The lack of entries over the last couple of weeks are only due to the slight losing of one's mind. Namely my own. Been busy, what can I say?

Right, in light of which, all of the advance tickets for tomorrow's (well, I suppose technically tonight's) holiday extravaganza with Les Coquettes @ Revival in Toronto have been sold out for a week. Having never sold out that quickly, tomorrow's show is sure to be just killer in all of its sexy, wacky, 4-part harmony goodness. Yeah that's right. 4-part, it's a red-letter date for Dave's voice.

Well, I'll be sure to post again shortly, I hope the Christmas - or any reasonably timed holiday season has been meeting you all peacefully and bringing all the joys of the year with it, leaving all of the crappy stuff back in March somewhere.

Very Merry! See you at the show!