Oct 30, 2013
The Simplest App of All.
Much like exercise, sometimes, it doesn't take much, just something that works.

My grade 7 shop teacher was the first person to introduce me to the 'Keep It Simple, Stupid' philosophy and, wouldn't ya know it, it still applies. Despite that fact that we live in a world where really cool apps (to which I am a horrible addict) are everywhere, in the end, it still doesn't take much.

And when it comes to health, fitness & your workout... You can't beat the numbers. So ya gotta track 'em.
I'm not talking about some calorie counter or GPS running app (we'll do those ones later), I'm talking about a good ol' fashioned: StopWatch.


That's it. 
If you're not using one, you're not getting the best workout you can.
Not everything needs to be timed. Heavy, low reps aren't done for time....  but your rest periods are.
Your High Intensity Intervals are timed; Your circuit training routines are down to the second. Every single routine I've ever done has a final time on it even if it's not a "against the clock" workout.

The simplest one of I have for Android is the "stopwatch and Timer". It's very simple and basic and reminds me a lot of the stock timer for iOS. There's hundreds of free timers, but this is the one I use constantly.Simply because of it's simplicity. There's NOTHING fancy to it and it's great.

So there's a simple app for you. And it's totally necessary.

We'll get to the fancy ones and some of the not so good ones, later.....


Oct 28, 2013
It Seems a Change is Required
Okay look, I'll admit it: I need to make more fitness posts.

It's true..  Once every month or 3 just ain't cutting it. It's the same reason as any really, I haven't found a way to make it a part of my routine. It's not that I don't have time, but I haven't figured out how to make it a functional lifestyle "habit".  So I'm going to mix it up just a tiny bit and search for a different angle to be able to enjoy it.

 Maybe I'll do a little series on "Fitness apps" I've tried. Or would like use.  Because I like that stuff enough to talk about it in my free time, it's a little different and it would certainly be fun to try.

Here's the punch:  Ready?
Go back to the beginning, in the first line, change "make more fitness posts" to "exercise more often."

Now read it again. And mean it.
